Aug 25, 2015
Many of us suffer from allergies, and they certainly aren’t pleasant to deal with. But what exactly is an allergy and why do they happen in the first place? Cellular Health Institute, who specializes in natural medicine in Orlando, explains. Allergies and the Immune System The immune system is continually receiving input from the environment […]
Aug 17, 2015
The thyroid is a small gland that’s located at the base of the neck. An important part of the endocrine system, it’s responsible for producing hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism. When the thyroid is working as it should, the amount of hormones necessary for the body’s metabolism to function properly is maintained with the […]
Aug 9, 2015
The gut is naturally permeable to very small molecules, allowing for the absorption of vital nutrients to occur. One of the main functions of the cells that line our intestinal wall is to regulate this intestinal permeability, ensuring the body is properly absorbing the nutrients that are essential to health. Natural medicine in Orlando providers, […]
Aug 6, 2015
Chiropractic medicine is an alternative, natural form of health care that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system– with a specific focus on spinal health. Dr. Faria is a licensed and certified Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine with many years of experience. He is passionate about using chiropractic medicine as a […]