Jun 13, 2015
I believe autoimmune conditions, in which the body’s immune system attacks itself, are the fastest growing epidemic on the planet; yet most people have no idea they have these conditions. Many are spending thousands of dollars looking for answers to why they are not feeling well and even more on solutions
Jun 12, 2015
Ginny Smith was only 27 years old when she hit the wall. Merely waking up in the morning, even after a full night’s sleep, seemed impossible on most mornings. The exhaustion she felt was overwhelming. Her mood took a dive, a big change from her normally sunny personality. Her friends even took to calling her […]
Jun 11, 2015
Most people have heard about the risks of a diet high in sodium. For years, a low-sodium diet has been recommended for those with high blood pressure. Now, a new wave of research coming out of Yale, Harvard and other leading research institutions is suggesting that a high-salt diet may worsen the symptoms of autoimmune […]