Food That Can Affect Your Hypothyroidism
While hypothyroidism can be difficult to manage, certain foods can affect the thyroid gland, for better or worse. If you have this condition and would like help to naturally manage it, please call thyroid specialist in Orlando, Dr. Faria, for an appointment at (407) 862-2287. In the meantime, here are some of the thyroid nourishing foods and those that can have a negative impact.
Foods that Nourish the Thyroid
The foods below contain nutrients that are vital for the thyroid to function optimally.
- Butter: Butter contains vitamin A, a vitamin the thyroid is highly dependent on. It also has iodine, which helps nourish the thyroid.
- Coconut oil: Eating more coconut oil can increase body temperature and supply the body with natural energy, both of which are important for thyroid health.
- Cod liver oil: Cod liver oil is another good source of vitamin A.
- Eggs: Eggs, like butter, are another wonderful source of vitamin A and iodine, and also provide protein. The thyroid benefits greatly from the natural amino acids received from protein.
- Seafood: Seafood is the richest source of natural iodine, making it another important food for thyroid health.
Foods that Hurt the Thyroid
To help manage hypothyroidism, try to avoid (or at least limit) these foods.
- Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and turnips contain thyroid-suppressing properties. Although cooking deactivates these properties somewhat, it’s best to minimize intake of these vegetables.
- Processed Foods: Hypothyroidism and a high sodium intake both increase the risk for high blood pressure. This makes it critical for those with an under-active thyroid to avoid processed foods, as they’re typically very high in sodium.
- Soy: The hormone estrogen can interfere with the body’s ability to use the thyroid’s hormone and, as with soy, is full of plant-based phytoestrogen. Therefore, it’s recommended that those with hypothyroidism limit or avoid consumption of soy.
- Sugary Foods: Hypothyroidism often slows down the body’s metabolism, making it is easy for those with this condition to gain weight. By eliminating foods with a lot of sugar, you’ll avoid taking in excess, non-nutritive calories.
Please call thyroid specialist in Orlando, Dr. Faria, at (407) 862-2287, or contact Cellular Health online to find out how you can better manage hypothyroidism through dietary changes and other natural treatments.