How is This Test Performed?
Step 1: This is a simple test that requires swabbing the inside of your cheek with a soft bristle swab. The inside of your cheek provides our advanced technology lab with the adequate amount of DNA to carefully access your genes and receive a complete panel. No blood, or excessive amount of saliva, is needed like many other tests in today’s market.
Step 2: in 7-10 business days we will receive your results, and Dr. Faria will be able to review them prior to meeting with you.
Step 3: We will contact you to schedule an appointment to review your results. Dr. Faria will share your report and guide you through the analysis to help you gain a more thorough understanding of your health going forward.
This test cannot be purchased by consumers. It’s not a commercial DNA test. This genomix testing is provided solely by certified and approved providers that have the education and training to interpret your results.